"Dear Ms. Austerschulte, dear Mr. Klocke,
I feel obliged to send you some feedback on the effect of the 14 x 51 SCHNERZINGER FUSE - STAGE 2:
When I visited you last year, work on the fuses was already underway and the consistently positive experience of replacing the factory 20 cent products with Synergistic Research fuses immediately made me prick up my ears and get curious.
Periodically I asked Loftsound if there was any news regarding a release and finally got ants in my pants when I read on your review page what experience a former QSA Gold user had with your (I assume Stage 3) fuse. Of course, the publication about the Schnerzinger Fuse on your homepage didn't help to cool me down, because I knew that the statements about your products are totally congruent with what I experience here with my system when I use something new from your portfolio.
To finally get to the point, I am overwhelmed by the effect of the SCHNERZINGER FUSE to say the least!!!
Descriptions of the sound don't help here because I can't put the sound experience into words. But I can report goosebumps and reactions such as "that's not possible" or "can someone pinch me so I can come back to reality".
In all modesty, I dare to say that I was already listening at a more than average level before the fuse replacement - not least because of your products in my chain, but as I wrote in the fuse review on the Loftsound site, the current used to have to flow through a garden hose and can now flow through a fire hose! Which ultimately just proves the simple equation "better current = better sound" again.
I would like to thank you most sincerely for this "cream of the crop" and of course even more for making it possible for me to receive one before the delivery date advised by the dealer. The wait was worth it in every respect and I am glad that I resisted the temptation to consider another make."
Kind regards
B. G.