Press reviews

Customer reviews
The EMI PROTECTOR By Schnerzinger – In My System and I’m blown away
ch kann definitiv sagen, dass der EMI PROTECTOR in Kombination mit dem GRID PROTECTOR einen riesige Verbesserung bringt. Hier ist 1 + 1 nicht 2, sondern wahrscheinlich 3 oder 4. Diese Geräte fügen nichts hinzu. Vielmehr ist es das, was sie entfernen, was diesen so erstaunlichen Klang erzeugt.
Nichts ist gefärbt und nichts ist akzentuiert. Stattdessen ist die Dynamik, das Timbre und der Ton so natürlich, wie überhaupt nur vorstellbar. Die Klarheit dessen, was ich höre, sei es eine menschliche Stimme oder ein Instrument, ist so natürlich, dass das Gefühl reiner Präsenz und eine „Ich bin da“-Gefühl das Erste ist, was mir in den Sinn kommt. Anschlag und Geschwindigkeit der Drum-Sticks auf den Fellen war geradezu explosiv. Die Luft, der Raum um die Instrumente und den Gesang herum war so offensichtlich, dass es fast so war, als würden die Noten vor mir schweben, so real war ihr Ausklingen. Jeder Parameter wurde verbessert, und das Ergebnis ist ein absolut natürlicher Fluss. Es ist, als ob der EMI dort weitermacht, wo der Grid aufgehört hat.
“The whole is more than the sum of its parts...”
One by one, in a perhaps somewhat unconventional order, the power socket (outlet), the GRID PROTECTOR, the ROOM GUARDS, power cables for DAC and streamer, COMPONENT GUARD, LAN cable and the USB cable were added. I didn't find this approach at all unusual. No, I found it almost stringent: I wanted to start with the source (power) and then gradually optimize the destination (loudspeakers). Only when the interference at the source has been eliminated and everything is optimally prepared can the subsequent device do its job stress-free and yes, how should I put it? "To work for my pleasure!"
The integration of the Guards or the white cables was immediately audible every time. More space, more sound colors, more music, more calm, more dimensionality in the musical events, and more “live”. And that always meant more overall: More pleasure listening to music!
The Grid Protector By Schnerzinger – In My System and I’m blown away
It takes less than 5 minutes to install the GRID PROTECTOR. The change in clarity is so amazing that the simplest and faintest nuances that could be heard before are now much clearer. The harshness has disappeared. The ease of listening has eliminated any fatigue effects for me. In fact, listening to the music has made me completely relaxed. There is no immersive effect or change in the sound image. Rather, there is a distinct feeling of being closer to the music. Today I've also listened to some records and tapes with the GRID PROTECTOR on and I really hate to say that everything sounds much more natural now, but what the GRID PROTECTOR does is breathe air into the soundstage and separate the instruments and vocals. As soon as I turn it off, the sound as I had come to know it and consider it to be superior is suddenly just ok, leaving me with the definite conclusion that this GRID PROTECTOR is a must for my ears and my system.
“I can't put into words what's happening!”
After careful consideration, I decided to order the SCHNERZINGER FUSE STAGE 3 variant in 14x51mm format in 20A. It was installed in my distribution board yesterday by a qualified electrician, and what can I say? After the first few cycles, I realized that this fuse was far superior to anything I had heard before. I can't put into words what is happening! The entire musical event has become even clearer in all parameters. I would never have thought that such a gain was possible, but I can only recommend it, give it a big thumbs up and thank you once again.
„Fazit: Die Musik ist erdiger und man fühlt die Musik anstatt sie nur zu hören…!!!“
After the first 3 hours, the listening impression was already noticeably different. Tonally clearer, with controlled highs and a sharper bass foundation, easier to hear through and with a better depth and delineation. However, it was still closed, with a narrow stage and a slight tendency to push into the room.
After about 30 hours of music flow, it clearly gained in stage width and openness with fine detail, including richness of detail. The dynamics and timing increased. She began to convey a joy of playing and listening to more...
"I am overwhelmed by the effect of the SCHNERZINGER FUSE to say the least!!!"
To finally get to the point, I am overwhelmed by the effect of the SCHNERZINGER FUSE to say the least!!!!!!
Descriptions of the sound don't help here because I can't put the sound experience into words. But I can report goosebumps and reactions such as "that's not possible" or "can someone pinch me so I can come back to reality".