"as if the musicians perform with much more enthusiasm now..."
„Das Thema Auflösung zieht sich beim Einspielen des Kabels durch. Das Kabel macht seinem Namen definitiv alle Ehre. Neben der räumlichen Auflösung (Ortbarkeit) nimmt auch die zeitliche Auflösung zu: winzigste Details kommen zum Vorschein, die Sprachverständlichkeit nimmt zu, Impulse werden schneller.Es bleibt nicht bei einer deutlichen Verbesserung der Auflösung. Die schon große Bühne wird nochmals größer. Und dann das Bassfundament. In manchen Stücken höre/fühle ich plötzlich Tiefstbass, den ich zuvor nicht mal ansatzweise wahrgenommen habe. Die in den Raum abgegebene Energie scheint mit dem Einspielen immer weiter zuzunehmen.“
Schnerzinger is the essential contribution to the realism of the sound of my system
The effect of Schnerzinger products that I experience?
Nie gekannter Raum, Luft, Natürlichkeit, Auflösung, holographische, plastische, umhüllende Abbildung, deutlich gesteigerte Dynamik, Ein-/Ausschwingverhalten, PRaT, Basspräzision, Ausgewogenheit, alles frei von Härten und kritischer Tonalität und erstaunlicherweise erlebt man all diese positiven Klangcharakteristiken, die sich normalerweise teils gegenseitig ausschließen oder Negativeffekte haben können, gleichzeitig.
Previously I was unsure whether you write these reviews by yourself and now...
Regardless of the type of music, the volume, the time of day or the season, listening has become pure enjoyment since I started using your cables. I didn't think the Nordost Valhallas were bad until I got to know your cables. Compared to your cables, all the cables I used before (power, LF, loudspeakers) were just ordinary wires. Thanks to your cables, the terms speed, spatial representation, musicality and ultimately emotion have taken on a new definition.
Some time ago, I decided to completely change my system setup again - of course with the goal of a further substantial sonic improvement. Since I had set very high goals for myself with this project, Mr. Klocke, Schnerzinger, recommended that I definitely go to the (then) new RESOLUTION Line. I followed this advice and it proved to be absolutely right.
GRID & EMI PROTECTOR sind der Beginn von etwas völlig neuem
"With the Schnerzinger Grid Protector and the EMI Protector, the portal to the music goes beyond the usual markings and expectations, and the newfound reproduction is imbued with a sense of calm and serenity, unlike any similar device I have tried over the years."
For me an absolute MUST HAVE
According to a proverb, a person only knows what he had when it is no longer there. That may be true, but based on my experience with Schnerzinger products, I would argue that you don't know what you didn't have until it's gone. Only your own ears can be the incorruptible judge in this process.
This is what the GRID PROTECTOR does perfectly
What's really amazing about the whole thing, by the way:
My entire power supply is quite sophisticated. Everything very elaborately filtered and decoupled from each other. Nevertheless, the GRID PROTECTOR works but clearly traceable! This means for me: It is not a conventional, technically known way of filtering / noise reduction, but something completely new!
So for higher-quality stereo systems a clear recommendation from my side!
A new world with ESSENTIAL
Why am I writing these lines now? My enthusiasm for these Schnerzinger products knows hardly any bounds. Here, no resolution is bought over an annoying high frequency range. Everything is just right. Everything seems so incredibly natural. To test the cables, you only have to reconnect them once. There is no rewiring to hear any difference. It is simply striking. This is not about partials. It's not about a piece of the pie, it's the whole bakery. Yes, there's more to it. But only if EUR is perceived as three letters.
„We did not expect such an increase in transparency, dynamics and spatiality“
You can really say that we were "shocked" by how much new speaker cables can affect the result. We did not expect such an increase in transparency, dynamics and spatiality. One would rather think that the electronics were replaced here. Many pieces of music can now be heard anew and I have already discovered some information in the music that was not heard at all before. That was worth it! Excellent!
"Sound descriptions lose importance..."
"The search for the best cabling has come to an end. More spatiality, more details. Sound descriptions lose their meaning because there is only music.
Those who now want to improve further can confidently concentrate on other areas of their system or order additional or even higher-quality Schnerzinger products.
You will hardly find better cables elsewhere."