Schnerzinger is the best you can get in the area of cables...
Die Methode, sich über das Internet bekannt zu machen, hat für Schnerzinger bei mir funktioniert. Ich war schon länger in der Überlegung, welche Boxenkabel ich mir zulegen könnte, um das, was meine Geräte können, besser auszunutzen. Mein HiFi Händler hatte mir ein Paar B80 von Burmester verkauft (nachdem ich die Burmester Anlage in meinem neuen […]
Previously I was unsure whether you write these reviews by yourself and now...
Liebes Schnerzinger Team, mittlerweile habe ich einige Abende gehört. Was hat sich verändert? Aus meiner Sicht haben vor allem die Auflösung und die Fokussierung deutlich zugenommen. Diese sind aber nicht von der artifiziellen, analytischen Art, sondern gewähren einen besseren Einblick in das musikalische Geschehen. Dies führt dazu, dass man die NÄHE der Künstler empfindet, die […]
You get so much emotion that you hardly can handle it.
I was wondering how to write a review about Schnerzinger products. Because they are practicaly invisible in the audio system. They do not add or take anything from the music. With Schnerzinger you can truly discover your system and your music collection. And you will be surprised how much you don’t know the ability of your audio components. I have never ever tought that my system is that good.
For your initial interest, I would rate the demo as one of the best in my HiFi hobby journey. Nothing prepares me for such encounter and it totally goes beyond what I possibly can imagine. I can’t describe the sound I heard in HiFi jargon as I felt I was not merely listening to reproduction music. The effects from SCHNERZINGER are so real and alive that I can literally touch the musicians and feel like inside the venue with them.
Dear Michael and Kam, Thank you very much for your demonstration at my place on last Saturday. I have very nice listening experience which brings my system to another level – heaven. Sound is stunning and unbelievable! It is very difficult to explain to people if they not listen by themselves. This is the best […]
Hong Kong
Thank you, Michael for visiting my place during your recent stay in Hong Kong. I also appreciated for your introduction and demo of the product from “Schnerzinger” including the Cleaners, Giga Protector & Interconnect cables. They were awesome performance during the demo and what really amazed me was the music details, huge dynamic range with […]
Well done Schnerzinger!
The Schnerzinger system could be an ultimate solution for achieving optimal performance; makes it not only sound good, but more important, sound “Real” and “Right”. With it, I felt we can finally sit down to enjoy wonderful music rather than playing around with cables and changing equipment all the time! Well done Schnerzinger!
My Memorable HiFi Journey with SCHNERZINGER
The SCHNERZINGER products have indeed improved my system far more than changing the components. Its no turning back for me!
Expressing in more often used audiophile terms, such as coherence, musicality, dynamics, analytic ability, transparency, 3D imaging or whatever you care to name were all top notch. At the end of the day, what mattered to me the most was after a few music pieces I was subconsciously enjoying the music as if I was listening to my reference vinyl system (pardon, for audiophiles like us with over 20 to 30 years of listening experience, we tend to use vinyl as our reference), which had never happened to me before.
The Schnerzinger cable system is a truly magnificent product with out-of-this-world design concepts and results.
I had to get these cables...
These cables have system status, because they foremost enable to reveal the quality of the outstanding electronic components and speakers. It strikes that even not well recorded music sounds much more musical and pleases. All of a sudden you hear additional information from your recording medium, which you haven’t noticed before. But the cables will not let the music sound more sharp or annoying, no, everything sounds unbelievably refined and musical.