Dear music lovers,
every beginning is hard, so where to start… Probably here; now since 30 years I pursue my high-end hobby and during that time I surely followed many stages and developments in the high-end sector.
In the meantime I already listen at a very reasonable level in my view, after acquisition of my horn-based system (see picture) at first the amplification problem had to be solved once again, because at higher levels the AA Trio requires significantly more than the formerly available 20 triode watts, despite active bass horns; but that’s a different story.
Overall I was very happy then … but the topic power for the bass horns remained, this still had to be raised to a good level, which shouldn’t be that difficult. Actually I was very happy with my present cable system - well, perhaps more likely cable solutions from today’s perspective (Magnan Reference, Aural Symphonics, Fadel Art Reference, Tara Labs etc., all high level cable solutions). I was looking for a suitable supplement.
When I extensively studied the market, I somehow hit Schnerzinger and noticed that they are located in proximity … so quickly establish contact, possible only via mail, which was strange at first, but then delightful upon the first call … Mr. Brämer insisted on his personal visit, actually I just wanted to test the cables on my own.
O. k.; after the first extensive session – 4 to 6 hours and numerous, nicely comprehensive steps – I understood why a personal demonstration was required. As we are far beyond a plug and play system, in fact it will be precisely tailored towards the respective situation und exactly this makes a huge difference. You have to experience all the details of the improvements and the respective solutions on your own.
To the result, I want to keep it short: Like live music, naturally and absolutely authentic, a real “being there” experience. To be heard with interprets and fine albums, which I also had heard “live” for myself.
If you don’t believe it, make a date with Mr. Brämer or even directly with Mr. Klocke in Dortmund and listen for yourself.
Best regards
(Translated from the German original)
— RR —